Posts Tagged ‘“Scrap Attack”’

A Quilt Top Finish!

February 22, 2015

I am so excited to say I have finished the top to my SCRAP ATTACK quilt!

15963640424_57028dca93_o (1)I thought I was finished a month ago when I posted a photo on Flickr of the quilt on my son’s bed. I was very excited to find out the photo made EXPLORE!
35 blocks sewn together “Shadows of Nine”
The photo has over 7000 views and has 48 favs! That is a first for me.
I decided to add another vertical row on the right side after the Explore photo. The quilt needed to be a little wider.
Now I have to decide what I will do for the back of the quilt.
IMG_2093For now I will use it as a backdrop for a photo of my Valentine’s present from my LUV and our son. Our son was nice enough to hold it up for me so I could take this shot! Color is how we stay warm when it is a 20plus below zero wind chill outside. COLD COLD COLD. Luckily we have a basement here and we can close the upstair door and the door out of the Tv room and turn on the electric fireplace and it gets nice and toasty warm. The only thing is then I get sleepy!

Finishing the way I started

January 17, 2015

This project is going to come to an end soon. I played all week with the design boards. Last night I tried to sew and sat there staring five times as long as sewing. This morning I looked at the last boards with fresh eyes.

This is my original fabric.

The block above this one is green. I am working to blend some of the green into the alternate block below it.


I cut into another one of those vintage fabric scraps I have had for a lifetime.


The squirrel was disigned for a blue square but didn’t make it.


This will be a brown block when finished.


Another yellow and cream background block.


I am thinking the final darker block with be pink. Seriously I do not have many pinks in my stash!


Here is my attempt to find more pinks! Invasion of the mancave again. You have no idea what goes on inside my head when I do this because my man hates hates hates a mess! This is part of my creative process! Ha. He is used to it. He told me last night he is inviting his dad over to watch a game today. That is his nice way of saying “please pick up this space”. It works.

Today I hope to put away Christmas. It is time for the tree to come down. I enjoy the lights so much and my decorations I find it hard to take it down. Those pinks though will go in my string heart quilt as well. It is time for hearts which will motivate me to get the tree down. Enjoy the day!

Attacking My Scraps

January 11, 2015

The year 2014 I focused on     my Scrap Attack quilt kept my attention. I was able to get the top sewn together and set it on my son’s bed and came up with this photo…

35 blocks sewn together “Shadows of Nine”

To my surprise it made explore and in the first day had over 6,000 views and 48 favorites. If I had know that I would have cleared off the stand next to my son’s bed! Ha!!!!

I decided it will be best to add another vertical row on the right side of the quilt.
This week each day I took 5 minutes to cut a few 1 1/2 inch squares and set them on my design board. (A piece of Styrofoam that I can easily stick pins into)

Those of you who quilt will know how often we move pieces around to get it just right.


This is my version of just right!


I have had this little scrap of green fabric with the couple under an umbrella. I have had it for years – over 40 years. This week I cut it in half, squared it up and put it in this quilt. I didn’t realize until after I took the photo that it is two couples. Mary Poppins in one picture and her twin sister in the other!


See! The one on the bottom left would be me. A little wider, softer, fuller!


With January being the coldest month of the year and the holiday season just over I added a few metallic pieces and a few snowflakes. I am anxious to work on my String Heart quilt and have pulled out the fabrics so the heart fabric was perfect for this block and helps to motivate me for my Valentine project. I have ongoing projects for just about every season or month of the year. I like to work on a project while in the season or looking forward to the season.


I tried to add fabrics that looked like rain. I hoped the vertical lines achieve that. See the snowballs. It will be 3 months before our snowfalls turn into rain! The dot fabrics…..raindrops or snowballs….take your pick!


I have an entire bin full of plaid fabrics. I pulled the bin out and grabbed a few to go in the next 5 blocks. It will help continue my Scrap Attack theme and keep this quilt as scrappy as can be. I have two other green blocks so I referred to them and added as many different fabrics as possible.


The last piece of fabric grabbed out of the scrap bin was the bright vine type fabric on the upper right. I auditioned at least 10 different fabrics to go with the hexagon pieces. I think this works great! Look at all these different shades of green. I love working with fabric.


more rain. The black dots on the white fabric has a raised surface. I wish I had more fabrics like this. I love texture. It is probably why I enjoy working with 1 1/2 in squares because of all the seams that give the quilt texture.

Block #5 -  Time for Fishing

Here is my block #5 made back in May 2013. I gave it the title “Time For Fishing”.

#21 - Enjoying Winter but Dreaming of Spring

Block #21 made Feb 17, 2014 called “Enjoying Winter but Dreaming of Spring”

I could name this last green block the same thing.

Thank you again for stopping by to read my post. I look forward to a fabulous 2015 and to completing the quilt top.

Happy 2015 everyone!!!!

Block #5

May 2, 2013

Time to Fish  Block #5

Originally uploaded by Q_uilted T_hrifted

I am really enjoying making this quilt top! I had a majority of this laid out last night but reworked almost the entire thing this morning after I cut out the fish word fabric.  Last night I finished block #4. I took some quick pics but they are dark. I set the two yellows next to each other and realized the one had gone overboard with the brightness!





Garage Sale fabrics picked up last week

There was too much yellow in this block. I took a few of the really bright yellow blocks out and I will add them to another one.  I am swimming in fabric everywhere in my living room. It drives my Mr crazy!!!


IMG_1811Notice the polka dots! I tried to add as many dot fabrics as I could find!


As I was working on this second yellow block I set it along side the red one and worked on running some red into the yellow and lining up some of the blue so the diagonal ran into the next block.  On the next green block I did not do this. I worked in a different area and focused on having the disappearing nine patch. The dark blocks will read as a nine patch from a distance. The yellow blocks will not. This way there will be a diagonal running through the entire quilt. You will see it better as the quilt gets larger.


Block #4 Complete!
The block to the left of this one is red and the block to the right will be blue.

Time to Fish Block #5




IMG_1896       To me these fabrics look like fish bubbles!





Inspired by this quilt!